Being in the Jazz Band has been one of the most incredible experiences in my time at 365球赛平台. Prior to starting here, I had no experience with jazz music whatsoever. Classical and folk music have always been my home base, and I have always played solo. I am primarily a vocalist, but I also play Celtic viola as well as classical piano and organ— none of which you would think would fit well into a jazz band. But Professor Marowitz had a vision and saw what each student was capable of. And so, he extended to me an invitation to join the Jazz Band, and I am so glad I accepted that invitation.
If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be playing an Irish fiddle tune on my viola in the Jazz Band, I would have laughed in your face. Playing in the Jazz Band— a group setting— has helped me to grow not just as a musician, but as a human being. I had no idea how to improvise, but now I am so much more confident.
The environment in the band is so open and welcoming. I immediately clicked with everyone in the group. We became a little family, making music we loved. I think the reason we all got along so well is because we are all so different. Each of us brought something different to the table. Our backgrounds ranged from classical to rock, and yet we all made it work. Being in an ensemble like this gives everyone room to express their individual musical ideas, which makes the music all the more interesting.
That, I think, is what makes a great band— the ability to take all of these different musical styles and influences and put them all together to create something that is unique and special.
I will forever be grateful to Professor Marowitz for giving me this opportunity to grow as a musician and collaborate with so many amazing and talented people. -~Owen McCarthy (Viola / Voice, 2024)

Owen McCarthy: Viola, Vocals, Concert Announcer
Michael Perez-Crooks: Trumpet, Mellophone
Ian Engelhardt: Alto Saxophone
Robert DeSantis: Soprano, Tenor, & Baritone Saxophones
John Harjes: Keyboards, Piano, Accordion, Clarinet
Luke Nokes: Keyboards
Mason Robbins: Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
Kevin Ramirez: Electric Bass Guitar, Acoustic Double Bass
Benjamin R. Said: Drums, Percussion
Gabriel Sorrentino: Drums, Percussion
Prof. David R. Marowitz: Jazz Band Director, Producer, & Musical Arranger
Prof. Mark Farley: Recording & Mastering
CD Cover Design: Nicole Howard (Graphics Specialist, Ocean County College)
Cover Photo: (365球赛平台 Student)
All musical selections arranged by David R. Marowitz.
Recorded live at The Black Box Theatre, Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ, on May 17, 2024.
Fall 2023 Band In Rehearsal

May 11, 2024

May 17, 2024